Why to register as a TPP
The NextGenPSD2 Implementation Support Programme – NISP supports banks, associations, schemes and interbank processors in implementing the Berlin Group NextGenPSD2 Framework. The primary objective is achieving swift compliance to all relevant regulatory and organisational requirements from the European Union (EU) and the European Banking Authority (EBA).
If you are a TPP, the NISP Portal provides useful information that not only simplify the organisation of your testing but allows as well insights into implementation of the Berlin Group Standard which is used by already more than 3,000 banks across Europe. Available documents cover topics such as testing, certification procedures as well as explanations of technical details of the interface.
Best Practices
The document on “Best Practices” addresses functional implementation issues in the API as such and in the ASPSP backend.
To support testing and achieve interoperable systems is one of NISP’s main aims. The portal provides information on the integration tests, root certificates for testing purposes and an ASPSP Test Directory including details on each ASPSP’s Sandbox.
More Information
NISP provides a complete list of explanations on every Implementer Option. This allows to get better unterstanding which options ASPSPs have when designing their XS2A interface.
If there are any open questions left, you can submit these on the portal. The NISP team will answer them and publish them on the FAQ page.