Deliverables: Products and Services
Products and Services provided by NISP encompass documents on Compliance and Testing as well as individual support and the opportunity to interact with other NISP members.
Compliance and Best Practice
The Compliance document encompasses detailed and supporting information on how to reach compliance regarding the implementation of the PSD2 compliant dedicated interface towards banks. The document covers primarily two topics: firstly, the regulatory background on fallback exemptions and, secondly, a discussion of functional and operational aspects that matter for compliance.
The Best Practice document defines – for different use cases – best practices for a PSD2 compliant dedicated interface within the NextGenPSD2 API context. It is meant to support ASPSPs which have implemented the NextGenPSD2 Framework in their discussions about the fallback exemption process with the National Competent Authorities (NCAs) and for later regular compliance reviews by NCAs.
NISP delivers a common Testing Framework, simplifying interoperability testing and ensuring testing and maintenance efficiency for banks and TPPs. The common Testing Framework also takes care of the different variants and options that might arise in implementations, and eases the effort of national supervisors and EBA in evaluating the API implementations on time.
The test related products are
- ASPSP Tests: Test Specification and Test Concept
- TPP Sandbox Tests: Integration Test Concept
- TPP Registry
- ASPSP Test Directory
- QTSP Test Root Certificates
NISP provides support on various channels and platforms. Besides individual support via the contact form, NISP members can submit questions on the FAQ page or interact with other NISP members in the Member Forum. Additionally, there are regular calls on different topics, e.g. testing, compliance etc.