TPP Registration

This portal will support TPPs during the NextGenPSD2 sandbox and market test period until 14 September 2019.

The portal will provide deliverables from NISP like e.g. a sandbox requirements document, FAQs and a testdirectory of NISP members. The information provided by you is needed for NISP members to identify testing partners upfront and to keep track of the overall test progress. We will use a notification service to inform you about e.g. interoperability issues in a cross-border context or to invite you potentially to webinars.

Password must be at least 7 characters long.
Password must be at least 7 characters long.

Please enter the name of the organisation you represent

Check all roles your organisation has registered for (AIS,PIS,PIIS) and whether you are in addition an ASPSP. AIS = Account Information Service PIS = Payment Initiation Service PIIS = Payment Issuer Instrument Service
Country which issued the TPP licence
Countries for which passporting is planned.

The data that is provided can be transmitted for information purposes to current and future NISP members. Ref. for an actual overview of NISP members.