Fiducia: 29 registered TPPs, some twice, first registration from abroad (NL, UK), 4 active testers. Up to now minor questions from TPPs.
Finanzinformatik: 16 registered TPPs, 8 are testing moderatley, other very few. More testing expected.
Unicredit: 40 TPPs registered, all Europe, one TPP completed testing, one nearly , rest no testing
Deutsche Bank: No major update, 21 onboarded TPPs, contact with 30 more, 8 are actively testing, new deployment today with bug fixes
equensWordline: no news
adorsys: from TPP side some issues with consents, some signature stuff;
SIA: 8 TPPs registered, moderate tests, major updates next week
DPA: No specific feedback, still moderate tests, no specific figures
Bank-Verlag: 5 registered TPPs, 4 are testing