What is the purpose of “TPP Sandbox for the PSD2 Compliant XS2A Interface”?

The document constitutes the definition of functional requirements for a test environment-called sandbox -that supports the XS2A interface to be used for integration testing by TPPs. The document is available to both NISP members and TPPs.

Is it mandatory to follow the suggested testing procedure?

No. There is no obligation to test, i.e. no obligation to follow the proposal on the testing procedure. However, if TPPs do not test with an ASPSP they plan to cooperate with, they loose the right to receive support by the ASPSP in case any issues arise. Hence, NISP strongly recommends to test with ASPSPs and to use the provided documents on TPP-integrationtests for a test of an XS2A interface.

With whom should a TPP test?

C.p. Question 8. There is no legal obligation on TPPs to test at all. However, NISP strongly recommends to test every supported service with every ASPSP a TPP wants to cooperate with.

In case of errors in the testing procedure, who’s responsibility is it to fix it?

In case of an error, the TPP should contact the ASPSP and report the issue.

It is in the common responsibility of the TPP and the ASPSP to fix it and should be solved bilaterally. However, in case of escalation, the National Competent Authority can be informed.

How to deal with ASPSPs abroad? Is there any difference in how to treat national and foreign ASPSPs?

All ASPSP are treated equally by the PSD2. However, there exist some country-specific requirements in the specification of PSD2-services. TPPs need a ‘passporting’ registration for the right to act as a TPP in the respective role and country.

Are there any prerequisites on TPPs for testing?

The testing procedure is ASPSP-specific and may require testing certificates and keys. Whether an ASPSP does require a registration etc. can be found under the given entry in the Test Directory.